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Deploy a static website to Azure App Services using FTP

Deploying a website to azure app services have numerous ways to achieve. FTP is one among them. We may familiar with FTP and how it works. FTP configuration will be available inside the app services once it is successfully created.


Create app services by choosing an adequate location and pricing tier

Please follow the command line to create a web app, run those in Azure cli

-- Create the resource in location
azgroupcreate --name rgtest--location centralus

-- Setting the default resource and location
az configure --defaultsgroup=rgtestlocation=centralus

-- Choose app service plan. We should be careful while choosing thr -- plan especially the service size. Currently I have chose a production server and you can provide '-- sku F1' to chose free spec,
az appservice plan create --name mySurvey --sku P2V2

-- Run the following command to create your app service in a given
az webapp create --name samplesurvey --plan mySurvey--runtime "node|6.9"

App Services Overview

FTP host details are available in App services overview. This host and associated credentials are used to transfer the deployment files.

App Services Deployment Center

Select FTP under Manual Deployment (push / sync).

App Services Deployment Center -> FTP

Selecting the Dashboard will popup the FTP credentials and host details. We have the provision to reset the password multiple time without any restriction. Moreover, it is a good practice to reset the password after each use.

Open the FTP Window

Executing the ftp host end-point in RUN command will prompt for FTP credentials and you can provide the same by copy and past. A successful attempt will bring the below window.

You can select your website file and upload to the wwwroot files to deploy your content. Once it is completed close the window and reset the FTP password.

Now, find the website url from the overview page. You can see the changes are reflected in your website.


The current credentials are limited to app. However, azure has the provision to create the user-level authentication for limiting the access level to based on each user role. That also will be an adequate choice for the deployment.

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